
Showing posts from January, 2024

Compost Program / Programa Composta

In Preschool, we have an exciting composting program from the SEP Analytic Program. Students are encouraged to create compost from their lunch leftovers. After doing so, they record the date and classroom on a poster, fostering environmental awareness from an early age. A fun and educational initiative to care for our planet!  ------------------------------------------- En Preschool, tenemos un programa de composta muy interesante por parte de nuestro plan analítico de la SEP. Los alumnos son invitados a participar, creando composta con lo que les sobra de sus lunch. Después de hacerlo, registran la fecha y su salón, fomentando así la conciencia ambiental desde temprana edad. ¡Una iniciativa divertida y educativa para cuidar nuestro planeta!

Coffee Talk MS

In this Coffee Talk, 7th and 8th grade parents explored some tools to provide ways to establish healthy communication and reinforce the bond with their sons and daughters. Especially at the age of adolescence, when everything starts to change, sometimes we need a particular approach to them. Camille Casses, MS Principal ----------------------------- En este Coffee Talk, los padres de 7º y 8º grado exploraron algunas herramientas para brindar formas de establecer una comunicación saludable y reforzar el vínculo con sus hijos e hijas. Especialmente en la edad de la adolescencia, cuando todo empieza a cambiar, a veces necesitamos un enfoque particular hacia ellos. Camille Casses, Directora de MS

Congratulations Ilse!

Ilse Priego, HS teacher, will present an online presentation at the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, with the topic: "The process of literary creation as a promotion of higher order thinking: A case study at the Higher Secondary Level", as part of the Twenty-second International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, which will take place from June 26 to 28, 2024. The annual event is organized by the New Directions in Humanities Research Network and brings together academics and leaders in the field from different countries. On the topic of her presentation, Ilse shares with us: Higher-order thinking is a concept that Benjamin Bloom uses in his taxonomy of learning domains, created in 1956 and which to date continues to be a reference for learning processes in the world. educational field. However, in 2001 there was an update in which creation is proposed as the highest point of Bloom's taxonomy and it is based on it that this case study is proposed. In ...

Surging book checkouts: JFK community is embracing the power of reading beyond the classroom!

Hello! It's fantastic to see a significant increase in checkouts at our library, going from 6,471 in the first semester of 2022-2023 to 8,946 in the first semester of 2023-2024 .  This growth is a testament to the growing importance of reading skills in our community.  Beyond academic activities, it highlights a recognition of the lifelong benefits that reading brings. This surge in interest signifies an enhanced awareness of the role literature plays in shaping individuals' lives. Congratulations Jaguars! LMC Team ---------------------- ¡Hola! Es fantástico ver un aumento significativo en los préstamos en nuestra biblioteca, pasando de 6,471 en el primer semestre de 2022-2023 a 8,946 en el primer semestre de 2023-2024 .  Este crecimiento es un testimonio de la creciente importancia de las habilidades de lectura en nuestra comunidad.  Más allá de las actividades académicas, destaca el reconocimiento de los beneficios que aporta la lectura para toda la vida.  E...

Healthy bonding in relationships / Vinculación sana en las relaciones de pareja

As human beings grow, they develop countless meaningful bonds in their lives. When we are little, the bond is established with our primary caregivers, usually our parents, who give us the richest links in our lives since the following future links will depend on this link and its characteristics. As children grow, other figures become important in their lives, other adults in the family, teachers and their peers. The relationship with their peers or equals arises as a way of companionship and friendship and this is how people learn and continue practicing virtues such as empathy, sincerity, respect, affection; among others. During adolescence, boys begin to explore and get to know their peers through attraction, starting with their first experiences of dating or romantic relationships. Relationships are a bond based on interest and affection. It is when two people, by mutual agreement, decide to share time together. Like any bond, dating requires commitment and care for others ...

Congratulations Leanne!!

This announcement is to proudly inform all JFK families that student Leanne Dugas, coming from Canada, has successfully completed the SWAS program. She graduated from SWAS in December after making a commendable transition into Spanish. Leanne, who joined us in August 2022, brought a unique international perspective to her studies, marked by diligence and a desire for knowledge, which played an important role in her outstanding success. Due to her desire to learn and succeed, she transitioned with flying colors. This significant accomplishment is the result of her incredible dedication, hard work, and the extra mile she consistently went in her studies. We will miss Leanne and her fantastic work ethic, growth mentality, and sweetness. SWAS will always be her home, and we are confident that the positive feedback received during her transition will continue. Congratulations, Leanne!   Additionally, we would like to extend our warm thanks to the Spanish teacher, Karla Mend...

Tae Kwon Do Promotion Exam

Last Tuesday, January 16 of this year, the grade promotion exam was held for the students of the Preschool and Elementary Tae Kwon Do classes, where we had the parents as guests. Fe García, Extended Learning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ El pasado martes 16 de enero del presente año, se llevó a cabo el examen de promoción de grado de los alumnos de las clases de Tae Kwon Do de Preschool y Elementary, donde tuvimos como invitados a los papás. Fe García,  Extended Learning

JFK Experience – Informative Session / JFK Experience – Sesión Informativa

We want to share with our community an invitation for you to extend to your family and friends for this Wednesday, January 24 at 9:00 a.m. at the school for our informative session, encouraging them to participate in this valuable opportunity to learn more about our school and a tour around our campus. Please share this link with them to register: --------------------------------------------------- Queremos compartir con nuestra comunidad, una invitación para que la extiendan a sus familiares y amigos para este miércoles 24 de enero a las 9:00 a.m. en la escuela, para que asistan a nuestra sesión informativa, animándolos a participar en esta valiosa oportunidad de conocer más sobre nuestra escuela y un recorrido por nuestro campus. Por favor comparte con ellos este enlace para registrarse:

Preschool Kitchen / La Cocinita en Preschool

Every two weeks, we have our exciting Preschool activity "Cocinita", where our little chefs team up with an invited parent for a fun cooking session. Amidst laughter and mixing, the children get to explore new flavors and textures, fostering the development of motor and sensory skills. This culinary experience is not only delicious but also a valuable opportunity to acquire functional skills that will accompany them throughout their growth. ------------------------------------------------------------- Cada 15 días tenemos nuestra emocionante actividad en Preschool, donde los pequeños chefs unen fuerzas con el padre de familia invitado para una divertida sesión de cocina. Entre risas y mezclas, los niños exploran nuevos sabores y texturas, fomentando el desarrollo de habilidades motoras y sensoriales. Esta experiencia culinaria no solo es deliciosa, sino también una oportunidad valiosa para aprender habilidades funcionales que se llevarán consigo a lo largo de su ...

Relaciones sanas / Healthy Relationships

Last Thursday, Ma. Fernanda Covarrubias and Rocío Aguirre from the Middle School Counselors gave a talk to the students of the 8th generation about healthy relationships, for promoting healthy interpersonal relationships between students in the community and for the greatest benefit of each one, adding tools that allow them to identify this type of not healthy dynamics and prevent them, emphasizing the importance of establishing healthy and respectful limits. We invite the community of parents to join in by talking about the topic at home. -------------------------------------- El pasado jueves las psicólogas Ma. Fernanda Covarrubias y Rocío Aguirre de MS dieron una plática a los alumnos de la generación de 8° sobre las relaciones sanas, con el objetivo de fomentar relaciones interpersonales entre alumnos de la comunidad y para el mayor beneficio de cada uno de ellos, sumando herramientas que les permitan identificar este tipo de dinámicas y prevenirlas, haciendo hincapié en establecie...

FCD Survey Application (Freedom From Chemical Dependency)

Dear JFK Community: We want to share with you that as part of the comprehensive program that we apply to work with students against the use of chemical substances such as alcohol, we have been working for more than 10 years together with the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, an American institution that has the aim of preventing the use of substances through its FCD (Freedom From Chemical Dependency) program. As part of this work, each year we apply a completely anonymous survey to students in grades 8 to 12 to find out their perception on this topic.  These surveys are being conducted from January 8 to 19. Once the application is finished, the American company will analyze the data and share the results with us in a meeting. Thanks to the light shed by these results, strategies will be implemented to work with our community according to the indicated needs.  As part of the efforts to keep our students away from substance use, we have organized an event this coming Thursday,...

IB Awards - January 2024

It might not feel like it all the time, but the IB isn't just about hard work and grades. The IB and JFK hope to help students realize their full potential as human beings as well, and that is represented by the IB learner profile.  Each semester, the teachers and staff get together to nominate students for recognition in one of the ten IB attributes, and to recognize their efforts in CAS and in representing our vision and mission.  It's a moment when each generation gets together with the staff to celebrate some of their qualities, and a moment when it really feels like we are Jaguars United. Stuart Porter, High School Principal -------------------------------------------- Puede que no lo parezca todo el tiempo, pero el IB no se trata sólo de trabajo duro y calificaciones. El IB y JFK también esperan ayudar a los estudiantes a alcanzar su máximo potencial como seres humanos, y eso está representado por el perfil de aprendizaje del IB.  Cada semestre, los maestros y ...

Food Drive 2023

Our NJHS and NHS students delivered 1,420 kilos of rice, beans and sugar to the Querétaro Food Bank. Thanks to everyone who participated in the annual collection and made this generous contribution possible, as well as to the BSM company “Beta San Miguel” for its donation of 400 kg of sugar. Together we achieve an impact on the nutrition of families that need it. -------------------------------------------------- Nuestros estudiantes de NJHS y NHS, entregaron al Banco de Alimentos de Querétaro 1,420 kilos de arroz, frijol y azúcar. Gracias a todos los que participaron en la colecta anual e hicieron posible esta generosa contribución, así como a la empresa BSM “Beta San Miguel” por su donativo de 400 kg de azúcar.  Juntos logramos un impacto en la nutrición de familias que lo necesitan.