JFK Union and Peace Model UN "Voices of Tomorrow"

Last weekend, the JFK Union and Peace Model UN (United Nations) event took place, under this year’s inspiring theme: “Voices of Tomorrow.” This gathering brought together young students from 18 different schools, all with a common purpose: to explore how their voices can be the driving force for change in a world full of challenges. Under the motto “The voices of tomorrow are not limited to who will create change, but how and through what means,” participants reflected on their ability to address problems that have arisen throughout history. With a focus on justice, armed conflicts, and environmental crises, students discussed how new generations have the power to reverse these issues and fight for a better future. "Voices of Tomorrow" has different interpretations, but the central message is clear: each individual must decide whether their voice will be heard amidst the world’s adversities. As Jackie Kennedy once said, “We must know ourselves in order to express ourselves,” ...