
Showing posts with the label MS

AI with Integrity: Middle Schoolers Embrace Responsible Technology Use

Last week, Middle School students engaged in an important session on Academic Honesty and Artificial Intelligence, learning not only about the academic implications of AI but also about its responsible use in a digital world. "Teaching students about AI and academic honesty is essential as AI tools become more accessible each day. Knowing when and how to use these tools responsibly helps students value their own work and avoid relying on AI for assignments in dishonest ways," explained Steven Eggers, Middle School Vice-Principal at JFK. In this presentation, students learned that AI should not be used for schoolwork unless specifically permitted by their teacher. They also explored the ethics and responsibilities tied to using such powerful technology. “By discussing AI’s role in schoolwork, students can develop good study habits, understand the importance of independent learning, and make honest choices that support their growth,” added Steven. The session goes hand in...

JFK Union and Peace Model UN "Voices of Tomorrow"

Last weekend, the JFK Union and Peace Model UN (United Nations) event took place, under this year’s inspiring theme: “Voices of Tomorrow.” This gathering brought together young students from 18 different schools, all with a common purpose: to explore how their voices can be the driving force for change in a world full of challenges. Under the motto “The voices of tomorrow are not limited to who will create change, but how and through what means,” participants reflected on their ability to address problems that have arisen throughout history. With a focus on justice, armed conflicts, and environmental crises, students discussed how new generations have the power to reverse these issues and fight for a better future. "Voices of Tomorrow" has different interpretations, but the central message is clear: each individual must decide whether their voice will be heard amidst the world’s adversities. As Jackie Kennedy once said, “We must know ourselves in order to express ourselves,” ...

60th Art Celebration Project 1st Places Ceremony

Last October 10th we celebrated the 60th Art Celebration Project 1st Places Ceremony. This internal contest was held during September, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of our school. At the ceremony the firsts place winners from Preschool, Elementary and High School were recognized, as well as the Middle School first semester winners of this school year. The winning artworks are being exhibited outside the Library Media Center and all the community can visit the exhibition until December, to celebrate the creativity and talent of our students. Congratulations to our talented winners! Click here to visit the gallery ------------------------------------------------------------------- El pasado 10 de octubre se llevó a cabo la premiación de los primeros lugares del 60th Art Celebration Project, concurso interno de arte visual que se realizó durante el mes de septiembre con motivo de la conmemoración del 60 aniversario de nuestra escuela. En esta ceremonia, se nombró a los gana...

Digital Platform Course / Curso de Plataformas Digitales

The Digital Platform Course for Middle School teachers is taking place in the Library Media Center in English and Spanish on several occasions during October. In this course MS teachers learn how to use the school Digital Platforms to search for good quality sources for their classes as well as to encourage them to develop a synergy with the Library.  Teachers are vital in handling information matters in their class. There are lots of positive steps they can take to motivate students to use the school’s Library in order to aid their learning with secure, high quality resources. ------------------- El Curso de Plataformas Digitales para profesores de Middle School se lleva a cabo en el Centro de Medios de la Biblioteca en inglés y español en varias ocasiones durante el mes de octubre. En este curso, los profesores de MS aprenden a utilizar las plataformas digitales de la escuela para buscar recursos de buena calidad para sus clases, así como para animarlos a desarrollar una sine...

Congratulations Mauro!

We congratulate Mauro from Middle School for winning 1st place nationally in the Centro Golf Cup, boys' under category. Great job, Mauro! ----------------------------- Felicitamos a Mauro de Middle School por ganar primer lugar nacional en la Copa Centro de Golf, categoría menores varonil. ¡Gran trabajo Mauro!

MYP for Beginners Coffee Talk / Coffee Talk "MYP para principiantes"

A couple of weeks ago, both new and returning parents from middle school and high school gathered for our "MYP for Beginners" Coffee Talk. We looked at approaches to teaching that form the foundation of the MYP program, we reminisced and reflected on how learning was assessed when we were in school, and then some of our NJHS students worked with small groups of parents to explain how we assess in the MYP program now and the benefits it can have for learning. Thank you to all who attended! ---------------- Hace un par de semanas, padres de familia de Middle School y High School se reunieron para nuestro "MYP for Beginners" Coffee Talk. Hablamos sobre los enfoques de enseñanza que forman la base del programa del PAI, recordamos y reflexionamos sobre cómo se evaluaba el aprendizaje cuando estábamos nosotros en la escuela, y luego algunos de nuestros estudiantes de la NJHS nos explicaron cómo evaluamos ahora en el programa del PAI y los beneficios que puede tener pa...

Congratulations Pilar!! XXII HieloJuegos Nacionales 2024

Congratulations to Pilar (6th grade) for winning 3rd place among 18 competitors in the XXII National Ice Games 2024, and securing her spot at the Nationals. Great job, Pilar! --------------------- Muchas felicidades a Pilar (6° grado) por ganar el 3er lugar entre 18 competidoras en los XXII HieloJuegos Nacionales 2024, y obtener su pase al Nacional. ¡Gran trabajo Pilar!

New MS Student Council

  We are excited to introduce the newly elected Middle School Student Council members for the 2024-2025 school year! After a dynamic election last week, these students have stepped up to represent their peers and bring fresh ideas to our Middle School community. We can’t wait to see their projects and initiatives take shape as they work to make this year extraordinary for everyone. Congratulations to all, and let’s make this an amazing school year together! President: Leonardo Z. Vice-president: Karen Aline O. Secretary: Alejandra T. Treasurer: Andrea C. Events: Andrea A. & Jewell A. Spokenperson: Hanbeen J & Homin K Stuco Team: Roberto, Valeria, Evolet, Natalia, Erin Ara, María, Azul, Julieta, Luciana and Valeria. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Estamos emocionados de presentar a los nuevos miembros del Consejo Estudiantil de Middle School para el ciclo escolar 2024-2025. Después de unas eleccion...

JFK Parents’ Association Elections: A Great Turnout!

We’re excited to announce that the recent elections for the Parents’ Associations in Preschool, Elementary, and Middle School were a great success! The turnout from parents was outstanding, demonstrating a strong commitment to our school community and the future of our students. This level of involvement is crucial for driving projects and activities that benefit our school. With the continued support from our parents, we’re confident that this will be an amazing school year, full of achievements and new opportunities for everyone. Thank you all for your dedication and enthusiasm, and congratulations to the winning teams! Preschool Valeria Soto - President Erika Huerta - Vicepresident Manuel Thompson - Treasurer Cecilia Avila - Secretary Elementary School Almara Herrera - President Iliana Resendiz- Vicepresident Andrea Gaxoet - Treasurer Maria Del Mar Palma Celorio - Secretary Middle School Radia Si Youcef - President Eva Huerta - Vicepresident Nancy Murillo...

JFK Middle School APF

Welcome to our new Parents’ Association for Middle School!  We are excited to begin the school year focusing on community and inclusion for all our Middle School parents.  From left: President Radia Si Youssef, Vice-President Eva Huerta, Secretary Maru Avendaño, Treasurer Nancy Murilllo, and 6th Vocal Pamela Acuña, 8th Vocal Erika Maza, and not pictured 7th Vocal Beverly Velázquez.   Special thanks to Miss Lupita Rodriguez for organizing the protocols; to Martha Naranjo in Institutional Development for facilitating an excellent transition, and to our outgoing Association for taking such good care of us for two years!  We look forward to the events and initiatives to come.   ------------- ¡Bienvenida a nuestra nueva Asociación de Padres de Middle School!  Estamos emocionados de comenzar el año escolar enfocándonos en la comunidad y la inclusión de todos nuestras familias.  De izquierda a derecha: Presidenta Radia Si Youssef, Vicepresiden...

8th Grade Bonding

8th grade students participated in a special session for their first day of classes with Bonding.  We were delighted to see our students at the top of Middle School smiling, playing, making new friends, and relating to one another with empathy and assertive communication.  I wish the 8th grade a fabulous year of Middle School!  -----------------------------------------  Los alumnos de octavo grado participaron en actividades especiales para su primer día de clases con Bonding.  Nos dio mucho gusto ver a nuestros alumnos en el top de Middle School jugando, haciendo nuevas amistades y relacionándose con una comunicación asertiva y con empatía.  ¡Les deseo a mis alumnos de octavo grado un ciclo escolar increíble! Camille Casses, MS Principal

MS Student Day Dance

Last Friday May 24th, our Middle School students enjoyer the Student Day Dance, an event full of music ans fun. Thank you to our Parents' Association for making this event possible, specially to Hely Ramírez from Cornelia Craft Party for the beautiful balloons' back. --------------------- El pasado viernes 24 de mayo, nuestros estudiantes de Middle School disfrutaron del Baile del Día del Estudiante, un evento lleno de música y diversión. Gracias a nuestra Asociación de Padres por hacer posible este evento, especialmente a Hely Ramírez de Cornelia Craft Party por el hermoso fondo de globos.

MS Colorguard Change / Cambio de Escoltas en Middle School

Last Monday, May 27, the Middle School Colorguard Changing Ceremony was held where the students who make up the highest eighth grade honor roll passed Mexico’s flag to the seventh grade highest honor roll students. We appreciate the presence of the school authorities Mr. Adrian Leece and Mr. Dave Brown, as well as the parents of the students who make up the colorguards. A special thank you to Aidas, Miranda, Katya, Maite, Andrea X, Manola, Léanne, Natalia, Gala, Jenica María F, Regina, Ignacio, Andrea C, Alejandra, Leonardo, Karen, Daniel, Roman, Julieta, Evolet, Aurora, María R, Erin and Isabella past and future color guards who represent this solemn ceremony with pride and dignity.  We value your great effort, dedication and commitment! Congratulations Camille Casses, MS Principal ------------------------- El pasado lunes 27 de mayo, se llevó a cabo la Ceremonia de Cambio de Escoltas de Middle School donde los alumnos que conforman el cuadro de honor más alto de octavo gr...

JFK student, Woojin, wins gold medal at the Olimpiada Mexicana de Matemáticas, Delegación Querétaro.

We are thrilled to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Woojin (8C) for winning the gold medal in the Olimpiada Mexicana de Matemáticas, delegación Querétaro. This remarkable achievement is a testament to Woojin's dedication and hard work.  About this achievement, Woojin shares: "Since I was young, I loved math, and as I solved increasingly advanced problems, I eventually found myself at the Math Olympiad. I started studying for the math Olympiad in Korea three years ago. The more I studied for the math Olympiad, the more I became captivated by the charm of mathematics, and I began to dream of becoming a national representative and participating in the IMO(International Math Olympiad). Then, my father was assigned to work in Mexico, so our whole family moved here last year. I didn't give up and looked into the selection process for the math Olympiad in Mexico. I found out that I needed to be selected as a representative of Querétaro state first. After taking three round...

Achieving the Extraordinary Award 2023-2024

Since 2015 the JFK School has celebrated Achieving Extraordinary, a program to value only those students who have achieved something exceptional in different areas like academics, sports or extracurricular activities. This year we’re going to reward two great students: Clarisa Temelo (12°) has made a name for herself as Golfer, just to name one of her many accomplishments, she ranked 4th in last years “Women’s Amateur Latin America”. While being a top athlete sometimes means leaving school aside, this was not the case for Clarisa. She completed the IB program and was offered 100% scholarship in 6 different Universities in the US. Clarisa will be attending the University of Arkansas. Mauricio Kouske Andrade (8°) recently graduated from Japanese school after an 11-year commitment degree this March. It wasn't easy at all to have a double-school-life for 11 years, but he did it!  We would like to congratulate him on this Extraordinary Achieveme...

Congratulations Pelicans!!

At the beginning of this month of May, the national ice hockey tournament for the peewee category 11-12 years old was held in Querétaro. The Pelicans team from Querétaro, which has 6 Jaguars in its roster: Lucas Torres, Marcelo Saldaña, Claudio Espinosa, Mateo Durán, Lorenzo Torres Landa (6th grade), and Marcelo Passadore (5th grade), was crowned national champion after scoring the winning goal in the last 30 seconds of the match. Congratulations to these Jaguars! Aline Forat, JFK Mom ---------------------------------  A principios de este mes de mayo se llevó a cabo en Querétaro el torneo nacional de hockey sobre hielo de la categoría peewee 11-12 años. El equipo Pelicans de Querétaro, que tiene a 6 Jaguars en su roster: Lucas Torres, Marcelo Saldaña, Claudio Espinosa, Mateo Durán, Lorenzo Torres Landa (6°) y Marcelo Passadore (5°), se coronó campeón nacional, después de anotar en el últimos 30 segundos del partido el gol del triunfo. ¡Felicidades a estos Jaguars! ...

MathCounts Internal House Competition: Congratulations South House!

Middle School students got together to compete for their Houses in a special MathCounts Internal House Competition on Thursday, May 9th.  All four Houses were well-represented with students from 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.  Competitions included the relay, timed exams, and games to test their mathematics skills.  After hours of fun competition, South House won the day!   Thank you to Miss Fernanda Arroyo, our MathCounts advisor, for organizing this exciting event!   Camille Casses, MS Principal --------------------------------------------------------- Los alumnos de Middle School se reunieron para competir por sus Houses en una competencia interna especial de MathCounts el jueves 9 de mayo. Las cuatro Houses estuvieron bien representadas con alumnos de sexto, séptimo y octavo grados. Las competiciones incluyeron relevos, exámenes cronometrados y juegos para poner a prueba sus habilidades matemáticas. Después de h...

Middle School service project, "Best Friends Deserve to Eat and Live"

Congratulations to 8th grade student Katya J who is working with Miss Paola on her service project, "Best Friends Deserve to Eat and Live."  This dog food drive is happening now in Middle School to donate it to a local shelter, that way, not only will they be able to rescue more dogs and free up the resources that were destined for food, but the dogs will be able to live longer maximizing their chances of getting adopted.  Good luck, Katya!  Camille Casses, MS Principal ---------------------------------------------------  Felicidades a Katya J, alumna de octavo grado, que está trabajando con Miss Paola en su proyecto de servicio, "Los mejores amigos merecen comer y vivir." Esta colecta de comida para perros se está llevando a cabo ahora en Middle School para donarla a un refugio local, de esa manera no solo podrán rescatar más perros y liberar los recursos que estaban destinados para la comida, sino que los perros también podrán vivir más tiempo maximizando ...

Reunion and Nostalgia: K3B Class of 2018 Celebrates Milestone with a Touch of Sweet Reflection

  The students of Miss Yuko’s K3B class of 2018, organized a mini reunion last week and recreated their class photo to celebrate their upcoming moving on to Middle School. It was very sweet to see them find the class chairs so small and the bathrooms so tiny. They had fun rediscovering their Preschool class and spending some time with Miss Yuko. Radia Siyoucef, JFK Mom  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Los alumnos del grupo K3B de Miss Yuko de la Generación 2018, organizaron una pequeña reunión la semana pasada y recrearon su foto de generación para celebrar su próxima transición a Middle School. Fue muy bonito verlos encontrar sus sillas de clase tan pequeñas y los baños tan diminutos. Se divirtieron redescubriendo su clase de Preschool y pasando un rato con Miss Yuko. Radia Siyoucef, Mamá JFK