Open Classes: An Opportunity to Bring Parents and Children Closer to Learning / Clases Abiertas: Una oportunidad para acercar a padres e hijos al aprendizaje

During the month of October, our parents had the opportunity to participate in our Open Classes, a space designed for them to get a closer look at the daily routines in the classroom. Guided by their teachers and surrounded by their classmates, each student had the chance to showcase what they have learned at the beginning of the school year. These activities not only allow parents to observe firsthand the effort and dedication their children put into their classroom work but also strengthen the bonds between the school, students, and their families. It is an invaluable moment for parents to appreciate the daily work their children do and to celebrate their academic achievements. We are convinced that these experiences contribute to strengthening the relationship between home and school, promoting an environment of support and collaboration for the benefit of our students. See the complete gallery here . ------------------- Durante el mes de octubre, los Padres de Familia tuvieron la...