MathCounts Internal House Competition: Congratulations South House!
Middle School students got together to compete for their Houses in a special MathCounts Internal House Competition on Thursday, May 9th. All four Houses were well-represented with students from 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Competitions included the relay, timed exams, and games to test their mathematics skills. After hours of fun competition, South House won the day! Thank you to Miss Fernanda Arroyo, our MathCounts advisor, for organizing this exciting event!
Camille Casses, MS Principal
Los alumnos de Middle School se reunieron para competir por
sus Houses en una competencia interna especial de MathCounts el
jueves 9 de mayo. Las cuatro Houses estuvieron bien representadas con alumnos
de sexto, séptimo y octavo grados. Las competiciones incluyeron relevos,
exámenes cronometrados y juegos para poner a prueba sus habilidades
matemáticas. Después de horas de divertida competencia, ¡South House ganó el
día! ¡Gracias a
Miss Fernanda Arroyo, nuestra Advisor de MathCounts, por organizar este
emocionante evento!
Camille Casses, MS Principal
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