MS Colorguard Change / Cambio de Escoltas en Middle School

Last Monday, May 27, the Middle School Colorguard Changing Ceremony was held where the students who make up the highest eighth grade honor roll passed Mexico’s flag to the seventh grade highest honor roll students. We appreciate the presence of the school authorities Mr. Adrian Leece and Mr. Dave Brown, as well as the parents of the students who make up the colorguards. A special thank you to Aidas, Miranda, Katya, Maite, Andrea X, Manola, Léanne, Natalia, Gala, Jenica María F, Regina, Ignacio, Andrea C, Alejandra, Leonardo, Karen, Daniel, Roman, Julieta, Evolet, Aurora, María R, Erin and Isabella past and future color guards who represent this solemn ceremony with pride and dignity. We value your great effort, dedication and commitment! Congratulations Camille Casses, MS Principal ------------------------- El pasado lunes 27 de mayo, se llevó a cabo la Ceremonia de Cambio de Escoltas de Middle School donde los alumnos que conforman el cuadro de honor más alto de octavo gr...