NJHS y NHS con el Banco de Alimentos

Our NJHS and NHS students received the Director of the Querétaro Food Bank, Ángela Quintana, to hear the importance of generating a culture of non-waste and social responsibility, to combat hunger in our state. The Food Bank rescues more than 200 tons of food per month and distributes weekly food supplies to rural and urban communities, to institutions such as homes, nursing homes, annexes, and to people who, due to their health status, do not have the opportunity for a job and need to be supported with food. They currently serve 14,583 people and JFK is one of the schools that contributes to this cause. We invite you to our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive, donating non-perishable foods such as rice, beans and sugar, with members of NHS and NJHS or at the guard entrance. ------------------------------------------- Nuestros estudiantes de NJHS y NHS, recibieron a la Directora del Banco de Alimentos de Querétaro, Ángela Quintana, para escuchar la importancia de generar una cultura de ...