Exploring Our Emotions Through Stories: K1 Unit with 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'
In their current unit, K1 children are exploring how we express ourselves through stories, using "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" as an example. The teachers introduced this tale, which was enjoyed by the children as they immersed themselves in the story. In the upcoming classes, they will continue discussing the story and exploring how narratives help us communicate ideas, emotions, and experiences. This approach fosters creativity and enhances the children's ability to express themselves through storytelling and dialogue. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explorando nuestras emociones a través de los cuentos: Unidad de K1 con 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' En la unidad actual de K1, los niños están explorando cómo nos expresamos a través de los cuentos, utilizando "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" como ejemplo. Las maestras introdujeron este cuento, el cual fue disfrutado por los niños, quienes se sumer...