
Showing posts from September, 2023

MYP Coffee Talk: Welcome to the Middle Years Programme

Our Coffee Talk was a fun time together with parents from 6th to 10th grades who are just now starting in the MYP system of learning.  Miss Laura Davis, our MYP Coordinator led the Coffee Talk in which learning is emphasized as a journey, and assessment and evaluation reflect where they are on the journey.  Parents learned about the importance of conceptual learning, and our talented NJHS students helped out by explaining how teachers grade in the MYP, plus gave them advice on how to help their children in the MYP.  One of the most impactful statements was from J, who said “We know how to solve our problems... our parents just need to remind us that we can.”   ------------------------- Nuestra Coffee Talk fue un momento divertido con padres de 6º a 10º grado que recién están comenzando en el sistema de aprendizaje del MYP en el IB.  Miss Laura Davis, nuestra coordinadora del MYP, dirigió la sesión en la que se enfatiza el aprendizaje como un viaje, y la...

Great Job Oscar!

Oscar Chavez Arana (12th) was selected nationally to participate in the XXXV Central American and Caribbean Swimming Championships - CCCAN 2023 in El Salvador, held last August, managing to obtain 5th place in the 200m Medley and the Top 10 in the 100m Breaststroke. Category 15-17 Men. Congratulations! --------------------------------------------------- Oscar Chavez Arana (12°) participó como Seleccionado Nacional en los XXXV Campeonatos Centroamericanos y del Caribe de Natación - CCCAN 2023 en El Salvador, realizados el pasado mes de agosto, logrando obtener el 5to lugar en 200mts Combinado y el Top 10 en 100 pecho Categoría 15-17 Varonil. ¡Muchas Felicidades!

Library Media Center Tour & Informative Session

The Library Media Center Tour & Informative Session for new teachers at JFK School has taken place in the Library Media Center in English and Spanish on several occasions during September. We are aware that teachers are vital in handling information matters in their class. They have a unique role to play in guiding and supporting students, and there are lots of positive steps they can take to motivate students to use the school’s Library in order to aid their learning with secure, high quality resources. The Library Media Center Tour & Informative Session help new teachers who are unfamiliar with the LMC to get to know the services, spaces, fresh new material on offer and the procedure to follow for borrowing books, reserving spaces and how to perform searches in the Library Search Stations, as well as to encourage teachers to develop a synergy with the Library. LMC Team ---------------------------------------------------------- Visita al Centro de Medios de la Biblioteca y S...

APF’s Breakfast

Thank you very much to each of the Parent Associations for having held the breakfasts with parents last week, so that the community receives important information both about the school and what you do. We know the great work that goes into organizing these events, all with a common goal that is the well-being of your children. To all the mothers who came, thank you very much for your commitment to being aware of what will happen during the school year. And for those who could not attend, rest assured that the information that was shared during the sessions will be sent to them. Much success for this entire school year. For more pictures visit:  --------------------- Muchas gracias a cada una de las Asociaciones de Padres de Familia por haber realizado los desayunos con los padres de familia la semana pasada, con el fin de que la comunidad cuente con información importante de la escuela, así como de lo que hacen ustedes. Sabemos la gran labor que conlleva la organización de esto...

"Let Kindness fuel Kindness" A message from the Anti Bullying Committee

A message from the Anti Bullying Committee: Welcome back The antibullying committee has reunited over the past months to revise and refocus the purpose of it. We would like to inform the JFK community of the alignment we’ve written so we can practice upon it. At JFK, the ABC Anti Bullying committee is committed to fostering a school environment where honesty, responsibility and respect thrive. The committee's mission is to proactively create beauty in our school community by preventing bullying behaviors and achieving the extraordinary by nurturing a culture of kindness and inclusion.  Core Values within the ABC committee Honesty : We pledge to be transparent in our efforts to address bullying, ensuring open and honest communication with all stakeholders. Responsibility : We take responsibility for the wellbeing of the students, staff, and the school community, actively working to prevent bullying through education and intervention. Respect : We promote a culture of respe...

First College Counseling events of the year

HS students have had the opportunity to interact in the month of September with 3 universities as part of the "College Counseling" events. During these meetings they have received information about university programs, scholarships and direct passes! The universities that visited us are: University of Calgary, Canada; Universidad Anáhuac, Qro; Universidad de las Américas, Puebla. On Monday, September 25, we will hold the Mini-Fair of Spanish Universities at HS Patio, we will be visited by: CUNEF Universidad ESIC Business & Marketing School ESSCAC Management School TAI University School of Arts Camilo José Cela University Francisco de Vitoria University Nebrija University. Monica Moedano College Counselor   Los alumnos de HS han tenido la oportunidad de interactuar en el mes de septiembre con 3 universidades como parte de los eventos de "College Counselling". Durante estos encuentros han recibido información de programas universitarios, becas y pase...

Practicing Empathy Through Writing By Autumn Pedersen and Andrea Sprowls

A poet is somebody who feels, and who expresses his feeling through words . . .Almost anybody can learn to think or believe or know, but not a single human being can be taught to feel. Why? Because whenever you think or you believe or you know, you're a lot of other people: but the moment you feel, you're nobody-but-yourself. -- E.E. Cummings, A Miscellany Revised, 1965 The middle school classroom is a place where students truly begin to think for themselves and grow their own unique sense of self. Because of this, we feel it is incredibly important to not only teach content, but to incorporate socio-emotional learning within lessons. We can do this in many ways, but in the language and literature classroom, one way is to have students write from different perspectives. Writing from another perspective, and imagining what someone else is experiencing can help students to grow empathy and compassion in their lives- in and out of school. We believe that this will give student...

Bullying and it's components, learn more about bullying prevention

What is Bullying?  A person is being bullied when he/she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself. Negative action is when a person intentionally inflicts injury or discomfort upon another person, through physical contact, through words or in other ways. Bullying includes both overt and covert behaviors.   What are the three components of bullying? 1. Bullying is aggressive behavior that is done on purpose. The person who bullies tries to hurt someone on purpose. It could be through physical actions, through words, by leaving someone out intentionally, or by posting mean comments or embarrassing photos online. 2. Bullying usually happens more than once. While bullying usually happens again and again, it may be hard for adults to know if an aggressive act is just a “one time” problem or a pattern of abusive behavior. Adults should always take action when ...

Congratulations Daniela!

  Daniela Viliesid Coll (3°) participó en la competencia regional de Gimnasia Artística (nivel2) en Acapulco, Guerrero, obteniendo en 3er mejor porcentaje de la región, de un total de 35 niñas de diferentes estados: Guerrero, Estado de México, Ciudad de México y Querétaro. ---------------------------------------- Daniela Viliesid Coll (3 rd grade) participated in the regional Artistic Gymnastics competition (level 2) in Acapulco, Guerrero, obtaining the 3rd best percentage in the region, out of a total of 35 girls from different states: Guerrero, Estado de México, Ciudad de México and Querétaro.

Congratulations Andrea!

On Friday, September 8, Andrea Ramírez (5 th  grade) was the Level 6 Regional Bars Champion at the 2023 Regional Championship that took place in Acapulco.  ----------------------------------------- El viernes 8 de septiembre, Andrea Ramírez (5°) quedó como Campeona Regional de Barras de Nivel 6 en el Campeonato Regional 2023 que se llevó a cabo en Acapulco, Guerrero.  

Thank you so much to our MS Parent's Association

Thank you so much to our Parent's Association for the foosball table! Middle School students love this during recess and break, and we are all so appreciative. We all look forward to our Parents' Association contributions to the fun activities this year in Middle School!  ------------------------------------ ¡Muchas gracias a la Asociación de Padres de Familia por la donación de la mesa de futbolito! A los alumnos de Middle School les encanta usarla durante recreo y break, y estamos todos muy agradecidos. ¡Estamos viendo con ganas todas las aportaciones hacia la diversión en Middle School por parte de nuestra querida Asociación en este ciclo!

Padres en la adolescencia: Construyendo puentes de comunicación, Fernanda Covarrubias y Rocío Aguirre, MS Counselors

On September 7Tth, our Middle School Psychologists, Rocío Aguirre and María Fernanda Covarrubias, gave conference for the 6th grade parents titled “Parents in adolescence: building bridges of communication.”  With the objectives to be identify by them and, to support them in this new beginning. We’d like to share with you a brief article prepared by them, about the most relevant points of their talk.   Conversations with teenagers At around age eleven, kids begin the normal and necessary work of pulling apart from their parents. As they set their feet on the long path to adulthood, the first and most important thing they do is to establish their own identity.  This means figuring out who they are apart from you. It is a time where young people take a chance to figure out their own styles, values, interests, and beliefs. It is difficult for parents because it can still feel like rejection and it is natural that you´ll want to protect and support them through it a...

Get to know our new Certified Educators of Positive Discipline in the Classroom.

  Positive Discipline Lab Schools are schools that implement the Positive Discipline Model school wide. These schools are recognized for their dedication to abroad the implementation of Positive Discipline. Our school has been recognized  for 3 years and to maintain our status we have been training part of our staff in Positive Discipline and working closely with a Positive Discipline Certified Trainer  to support program development.  We proudly present our new Certified Educators of Positive Discipline in the Classroom.  We will continue offering this training to our staff and we are ready to offer our workshops for parents, we hope to see you there!! Marytere Soto PS Vice Principal   ------------------------------ Las Escuelas Laboratorio de Disciplina Positiva son escuelas que implementan el Modelo de Disciplina Positiva en toda la escuela. Estas escuelas son reconocidas por su dedicación en la implement...

Student Council Election 2023-2024 in Elementary and High School

"Listening to the voice of our students is an integral part of the JFK experience. The Student Council will  LEAD Elementary School, and SERVE through Service Learning, and listening to the ideas of their classmates. I congratulate all the risk-taking communicators who gave speeches because they had the courage to stand in front of their classmates and share outstanding ideas.  However, there could only be one winning speech per class. I am very proud to announce the Student Council 2023-2024:  President: Andrea Avila Lartigue           Vice-President:  Andres Vera Gonzalez       Secretary of State:  Fernanda March Mayen  Treasurer: Cecilia Monsignore   4A Representative: Daniela Lopez Fernandez   4B Representative: Mikaela Suarez Capetillo           4C Rep: Maria Sofia Corona Wiesenberger     4D Representative: Rafael Santos Penafiel Mr. Mark Dun...