
Showing posts from December, 2023

Delivery of toys and clothing to indigenous towns and communities of Tolimán/Entrega de juguetes y ropa a pueblos y comunidades indígenas de Tolimán

We want to thank everyone who joined the dress a child and donate toy 2023 campaign, we were able to collect 4,056 pieces of clothing and 2,249 toys, sharing all this with 4,307 people (babies, boys, girls, women and adults). On December 1st we made the first delivery with a group of volunteer mothers, kindergarten and elementary students in the town of Bomintza, covering 5 schools from the communities of Las Peñitas, Mesa de Chagoya, Mesa de Ramirez and Puerto Blanco. On December 13, we made the second delivery where high school (social service and eco club) students, an alumnus, volunteer moms, elementary school teachers and the institutional development team attended. We arrived at two schools located in Casa Blanca and La Campesina where 9 more schools from the communities of Casa Blanca, Los González, Shaminal, El Jabalí, El Ciprés, La Villita and El Cesado attended. It was an unforgettable experience for all of us who went to the JFK school. They welcomed us into the school...

Congratulations to our Delegates

We are proud to inform you that nine delegates won awards in Insituto Thomas Jefferson's TJMUN!  Our Best Delegates were: Alejandro Fenton, Juan Pablo Aguirre, and Bruno Lastra.  Our Excellent Delegates were Valentina Guerra, Emilia Reyes and Ximena Tort. Our Outstanding Delegates were Sofia Garibay, Sophia Stryer, and Almudena Perez.  These Middle School MUN delegates are truly on the path towards Achieving the Extraordinary!  Camille Casses, Middle School Principal ---------------------------------------- ¡Estamos orgullosos de informarles que nueve delegados ganaron premios en el TJMUN del Instituto Thomas Jefferson! Nuestros Mejores Delegados fueron: Alejandro Fenton, Juan Pablo Aguirre y Bruno Lastra. Nuestras Excelentes Delegadas fueron Valentina Guerra, Emilia Reyes y Ximena Tort. Nuestras Delegadas Destacadas fueron Sofía Garibay, Sophia Stryer y Almudena Pérez. ¡Estos delegados de MUN de Middle School están realmente en el camino hacia lograr l...

Well Done Begoña!

Congratulations to Begoña Jonguitud (9th) for taking first place in the National Figure Skating Championship. Begoña is a high-performance ice skater. Good job! -------------------------------------------- Muchas felicidades a Begoña Jonguitud (9no) por obtener el primer lugar en el Campeonato Nacional de Patinaje Artístico. Begoña es una patinadora sobre hielo de alto rendimiento. ¡Buen trabajo!  

Soccer Asomex Juvenil A Puerto Vallarta / Torneo Asomex Juvenil A Colegio Americano de Puerto Vallarta

We want to congratulate our soccer team for their participation last week at the Soccer Asomex at the American School of Puerto Vallarta. They reached quarter finals and represented the JFK with pride. Congratulations! -------------------------------------------------------  Queremos felicitar a nuestro equipo de fútbol por su participación la semana pasada en el Asomex de fútbol en el Colegio Americano de Puerto Vallarta. Llegaron a cuartos de final y representaron al JFK con orgullo. ¡Muchas felicidades!

Parents Association Christmas Gifts / Regalos de Navidad por parte de la Asociación de Padres de Familia

On behalf of all the parents, we want to thank all our teachers and staff for their commitment to enhancing our children’s educational experience. We wish joy and unforgettable moments this holiday season. Thank you for being a vital part of our school community and we hope you like the Christmas gift made with lots of love. From Parents Association.   --------------------------------------------- En nombre de todos los padres, queremos agradecer a todas nuestros maestros y staff por su compromiso para mejorar la experiencia educativa de nuestros hijos. Les deseamos alegría y momentos inolvidables en estas fiestas. Gracias por ser una parte vital de nuestra comunidad escolar y esperamos que les guste el regalo de Navidad que hicimos con mucho amor. De parte de la Asociación de Padres de Familia.  

Christmas Surprise at the Concá Shelter/Sorpresa Navideña en el Albergue de Concá

Our 9th grade students organized a visit to the Concá Shelter, to carry out a Christmas party and bring moments of joy and surprises to the 23 children who live there. There were games, piñatas, gifts and a visit from the Grinch, who filled them with excitement when he arrived. We want to thank the 10 students who led the project, the entire 9th grade generation and their families, for making this possible thanks to their donations, we took a gift box for each child with: school notebooks, pens, Christmas boot with candy, teddy bear, stamps, legos, block game, play doh, barbies, magic sand and Christmas stockings. As a school, we also donated sports balls, puzzles, stories, jump ropes, pencils, erasers and general purpose pens. JFK also donated a TV screen and 7 computers for their classroom. It was an emotional experience, which filled us with joy, empathy and reflection on the feeling of gratitude for the opportunity to share our time with warmth and affection in this Chris...

Great job Santiago!

Congratulations to Santiago (7th), third category champion in The Club's padel tournament. ---------------------------------------------- Felicidades a Santiago (7°), campeón de tercera categoría en el torneo de padel de The Club.

Congratulations María Inés!

Congratulations to María Inés (1st grade), who won first place in the 2023 Coyoacán Cup in Mexico City in its Skate 2 children's A category of artistic ice skating. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mychas felicidades a María Inés (1°) que obtuvo primer lugar en la Copa Coyoacán 2023 en la Ciudad de México esu categoría Skate 2 Infantil A de patinaje artístico sobre hielo. 

Annual Holidays Cookie Exchange

The Kennedy Expat Community met last Thursday for the second edition of their annual holidays cookie exchange. With 23 participants from around the world and a delicious and diverse selection of baked good, the morning was scrumptious and kicked off December with a bang. Stay tuned for the recipes that will be shared with the community at large very soon. If you too are an expat and interested in joining the community, please feel free to contact us and we will put you in touch. Radia Si Youcef, JFK mom --------------------------------------------------------------- La comunidad de expatriados Kennedy se reunió el jueves pasado para la segunda edición de su intercambio anual de galletas navideñas. Con 23 participantes de todo el mundo y una deliciosa y variada selección de productos horneados, la mañana estuvo deliciosa y comenzó diciembre con fuerza. Estén atentos a las recetas que se compartirán con la comunidad en general muy pronto. Si usted también es un expatriado y está in...

Second JFK hands-only CPR day December 2nd 2023 / Segunda Jornada JFK de RCP solo con las manos 2 de diciembre de 2023

Last Saturday, December 2, the second JFK Hands-Only CPR day was held, the objective of which was to train as many participants of all ages as possible in the application of this CPR technique and to be able to help a person who has fallen into cardiac arrest. On this occasion, nearly 80 participants registered, of which 71 attended their 20-minute training. Thus, our JFK community now has a total of 174 people capable of helping to save a life if necessary. We are grateful for the support of Dr. Juan Manuel Fraga (advisor to our instructors) and the CAS students who participated as instructors on this occasion: Maro Castro, Andrés Chaparro, Eric Jung, David Ceballos, Hyejin Cho and Gerardo Robles who shared their knowledge in Hands-Only CPR throughout the day. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- El pasado sábado 2 de diciembre se celebró la segunda jornada JFK de RCP solo con las manos, cuyo objetivo fue capacitar a tantos ...

BEC National Dance Competition

 Congratulations to all the participants in the BEC National Dance Competition that took place this weekend, especially to Natalia Lozano Corella, 3rd place contemporary soloist, and Julia Jiménez Foyo and Jimena Blanco Sánchez, 3rd place partner jazz teens. --------------------- Muchas felicidades a todas las participantes en la Competencia Nacional de Baile BEC que se llevó a cabo este fin de semana, en especial a Natalia Lozano Corella, 3er lugar solista contemporáneo, y a Julia Jiménez Foyo y Jimena Blanco Sánchez, 3er lugar partner jazz teens.

College Counseling: descubriendo oportunidades en el mundo

 The College Counseling department is pleased to inform you that during this first academic semester our high school students have had a personalized visit of 22 universities, from Mexico and abroad, both public and private. In addition to the 80 universities that visited us at our University Fair that took place last October 10. We also carried out a Mini Fair from the Spanish UNITOUR Group, welcoming 9 more universities. Therefore, our students have been able to interact with the representatives of these universities, confirm the necessary processes to apply to the different available degrees, learn about the percentages of scholarships offered to them, and even more interesting, they are now aware of the importance and value of the IB Program, since several Canadian and American universities allow them to transfer from one subject to one whole semester in the first year of a university degree. Students can either skip the English test with their IB English & Literature High ...