
Achieving the Extraordinary: MS Honor Roll

Congratulations to our Middle School Honor Roll students for Trimester 1 success.   These students were able to maintain a 95 or above average in their MYP classes.   This is no small feat, as organization and perseverance are keys to their success.    You are achieving the extraordinary!   Camille Casses , Middle School Principal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  Felicidades a nuestros alumnos del Cuadro de Honor de Middle School por el éxito del primer trimestre. Estos alumnos pudieron mantener un promedio de 95 o superior en sus clases del MYP. Esto no es poca cosa, ya que la organización y la perseverancia son claves para su éxito. ¡Están logrando lo extraordinario! Camille Casses , Directora de Middle School

MYP Coffee Talk: Understanding the MYP Report Card

Thank you parents for attending our MYP Coffee Talk on Thursday, Understanding the MYP Report Card.  We all learned a great deal about how to use the MYP grading system to reflect with our children, allowing them to have agency in their learning and set goals for future success.  Thank you to Miss Laura Davis , our MYP Coordinator and Instructional Coach, for guiding us all in this journey in the MYP.  Camille Casses , Middle School Principal -------------------------------------------------------- Gracias a los padres de familia por asistir a nuestro Coffee Talk del MYP el jueves, Entendiendo el boletín de calificaciones del MYP. Todos aprendimos mucho sobre cómo utilizar el sistema de calificaciones del MYP para reflexionar con nuestros hijos, permitiéndoles tener capacidad de decisión en su aprendizaje y establecer metas para el futuro éxito . Gracias a Miss Laura Davis , nuestra coordinadora del MYP y Coach de instrucción, por guiarnos a todos en el MYP. Camille C...

Congratulations Team!

Last weekend the 2023 Winter Ice Hockey Tournament took place. The Pelicans Lakeside Peewee category team achieved victory, obtaining the title of Champions after beating their best-known rival 5-4, the Jr. Kings team from La Pista de Hielo Santa Fe in Mexico City. Marcelo Passadore (5th), Claudio Espinosa (6th), Marcelo Saldaña, Lucas Torres and Lorenzo TorresLanda (6th), are part of the winning team and some have been playing this exciting sport together for more than 7 years. In this tournament they verified that playing with your heart, believing in your team and your own power, is the way to achieve victory ------------------------------------- El pasado fin de semana se llevó a cabo el Torneo Invernal 2023 de hockey sobre hielo. El equipo de Pelicans Lakeside categoría Peewee consiguió la victoria obteniendo el título de Campeones tras vencer 5-4 a su más conocido rival, el equipo de Jr. Kings de La Pista de Hielo Santa Fe en Ciudad de México. Marcelo Passadore (5°), Claudi...

Unit K3 “Who we are” / Unidad K3 “¿Quiénes somos?”

This week our K3 students received a “Talent Show” from their teachers. They were excited to see their teachers put in practice their unit “Who We Are”, which talks about exploring the idea that our communities are made up of unique individuals, each with different abilities. We encourage practicing to improve in areas that may pose a challenge. Together, we celebrate diversity and growth. ---------------------------------------  Esta semana nuestros alumnos de K3 vieron un “Talent Show” por parte de sus misses. Estuvieron muy emocionados de ver a sus misses poner en práctica la unidad “¿Quiénes somos?”, que habla sobre que nuestras comunidades están formadas por personas únicas, cada una con habilidades diferentes. Fomentamos la práctica para mejorar en aquello que pueda resultar un desafío. Juntos, celebramos la diversidad y el crecimiento. 

Great Job Girls!

Congratulations to Pilar Jonguitud and Lucia Junco (4th grade) who have been selected to represent Mexico in the IDO World Championship, that will be held in De Panne, Belgium, at the end of this month of November. We wish them good luck in the World Cup. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Muchas felicidades a Pilar Jonguitud y Lucía Junco (4°) que han sido seleccionadas para representar a México en el campeonato mundial de danza IDO World Jazz Championship que se celebrará en De Panne, Bélgica, a finales de este mes de noviembre. Les deseamos mucha suerte en el mundial.

ASOMEX Antibullying Prevention Workshop

Last Friday we received in our school 35 participants from 13 ASOMEX schools to attend the Antibullying Prevention workshop, given by Rebeca Pelayo, certified trainer in the bullying prevention program of Olweus. It was a very successful workshop and allowed us a great opportunity to create collaborative work with other schools. Together we can make a difference!! Maritere Soto PS Vice-Principal --------------------------------------------------------------- El pasado viernes recibimos en nuestra escuela a 35 participantes de 13 escuelas  ASOMEX,  para atender al taller de Prevención de Antibullying, impartido por Rebeca Pelayo, capacitadora certificada en el programa de prevención de bullying de Olweus. Fue un taller de mucho aprendizaje, muy exitoso y nos permitió una gran oportunidad para crear un trabajo colaborativo con otras escuelas. ¡Juntos podemos hacer la diferencia! PS Vice-Principal

CAS Service Project: Hen House

The project “HEN HOUSE” was presented by High School students and it was an idea of ​​making a chicken coop for the El Obraje community, with the intention to contribute to feeding families. Santiago Dobarganes, Mauricio Garibay and Damián Pontones took on the task of creating the design of the chicken coop and with the support of our colleague Manuel of the school's General Service team, they managed to do it and two chickens were donated. "My service job was a lot of fun. There were many people who supported us to achieve it. The objective of the project was to contribute to feeding families. I am very happy and proud of the impact of our project”- Mauricio Garibay --------------------------------------------------------------------- El proyecto “Gallinero” fue presentado por alumnos de High School y era una idea de hacer un gallinero para la comunidad de El Obraje, con la intención de contribuir a la alimentación de las familias. Santiago Dobarganes, Mauricio Gari...